Thursday, November 1, 2007


As I was leaving work tonight, I happened to notice another car in the parking lot. It was decorated very colorfully with post-it notes. There was a group of kids standing near the car and it turns out that they were other Stop & Shop employees so I went to go see what was going on.
Me: So let me guess, you guys did this right?

Deli Boy: (Big smile) Yep!

Ex-Cart Guy: We're paying Customer Service Girl back for all the times she saran wrapped and stuck post-it notes on our cars. Come to think of it, I should get your car next for the 8 rolls of saran wrap you put on my car last year!!!!!

(Now Deli Boy is staring at me smirking while he's holding a long roll of extra post-its.)
Me: Okay, gotta go!

Well, they can run faster than I can, and i ended up becoming a post-it mummy.

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