Saturday, November 3, 2007

Throwing pies for charity.

Every year, Stop & Shop does a charity fund raiser to help feed the poor on Thanksgiving. Normally, people can donate a dollar or whatever amount they'd like and they sign a paper turkey. This year, we still have the paper turkey donation, but they also changed things up a little.

I walked into the store today to pay my credit card bill and as I was passing the Cafe area, I saw plastic hanging from the ceiling and covering the floor and walls. In the middle of this plastic tent, two of my managers were sitting behind a table completely covered in whip cream. It was hilarious. They came up with the idea of a pie throwing event; $5 per pie & hit a manager of your choice.

Well of course every employee was all over this idea because it was a fun way to pay back the managers for all the crap they put us through. I paid my credit card bill and went over to the Deli and pulled Caitlin out to come throw a pie with me. We lined up in front of the two, and one manager turned to Caitlin and said "I always tell you how nice you look and you're going to hit me with a pie!!!!" (In her mind, Caitlin was thinking, "That's exactly why I'm doing it, because you're creepy!")

At the same time, we threw the pies and we each hit them in forehead. It was so much fun! (You wouldn't think it would be too great, but it was.)

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