Saturday, September 22, 2007

Go Vikings!

So tonight was the first big Farrell vs. Sea football game. All across Amboy Road there were commotions. High school kids could been found evrywhere either dressed in maroon or navy blue. They swarmed the streets and got in the way of almost every car. I sat in traffic outside of the school for at least ten minutes. Although it was extremely aggravating, I couldn't help but wonder who won the game.

I watched the kids run through the traffic like idiots and remembered sitting at those games dressed in a navy blue tee-shirt only a year ago. My friends and I would sit in the stands and watch the game although we didn't understand too much of it. To me it was more of a social gathering and school spirit thing than an enjoyable sport. To some extent, I wish I was back at Sea spending my Friday night with friends watching and "exciting" football game.

You could easily pick out the little freshmen from the older kids. Number one, half of them were only about five feet tall. They were also the kids who were darting in between cars the most. The older kids could be seen gathering together with their friends- most likely trying to find a party that was going on after the game. Hoepfully, the younger ones will soon understand why these games can be so much fun and will get involved with the school, while the older ones may already realize it.

When I went to Sea, I was not a huge fan of the football team, but i still hope they won tonight. It was always fun to go to the games to watch the team do well- even if i didn't understand the game. Plus, it's always nice to go to a school with a dominating sports program. I guess school spirit never fades.

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