Friday, September 28, 2007


Last night I was having a conversation with my friend and he was telling me about how his neighbor used to keep all these odd animals in his home. One time he had a lion cub and another he had a kangaroo bouncing around the yard. The family owned some type of petshop or in Annadale and he would get these animals, keep them for a while, and then give them to the zoo. After this conversation, I decided that I want a more unique pet. I want something that no one else has.

So let's see... what type of exotic pet should I get? Hey, maybe a penguin! Penguins are so cute; I love them! Ehh, but then again everyone wants a penguin, especially after Happy Feet and the other 2 recent penguin movies hit theaters. A monkey would be pretty damn cool, but I have a feeling it would destroy my house. I know! I want a koala! Koalas are awesome... it would make the perfect pet. Number one they're always calm and mellowed-out. I heard it's the eucalyptus that makes them like that- it slows down their reactions or something. And they're so cute and cuddly- how could you not love a koala! But then again, they can be violent... but I'm sure if they're domesticated they'd be fine. Or at least I'd like to think so.

Could you imagine a kid going into school and bragging to his friends about his new pet koala? "Hey guess what my dad bought me yesterday..... A KOALA!" That would be absolutely amazing! I would have so much fun with that. I wish that my dad would've brought me home a koala when I was younger, or even now for that matter.

One day when I have my own house I'm gonna get that koala...

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