Friday, September 28, 2007


Last night I was having a conversation with my friend and he was telling me about how his neighbor used to keep all these odd animals in his home. One time he had a lion cub and another he had a kangaroo bouncing around the yard. The family owned some type of petshop or in Annadale and he would get these animals, keep them for a while, and then give them to the zoo. After this conversation, I decided that I want a more unique pet. I want something that no one else has.

So let's see... what type of exotic pet should I get? Hey, maybe a penguin! Penguins are so cute; I love them! Ehh, but then again everyone wants a penguin, especially after Happy Feet and the other 2 recent penguin movies hit theaters. A monkey would be pretty damn cool, but I have a feeling it would destroy my house. I know! I want a koala! Koalas are awesome... it would make the perfect pet. Number one they're always calm and mellowed-out. I heard it's the eucalyptus that makes them like that- it slows down their reactions or something. And they're so cute and cuddly- how could you not love a koala! But then again, they can be violent... but I'm sure if they're domesticated they'd be fine. Or at least I'd like to think so.

Could you imagine a kid going into school and bragging to his friends about his new pet koala? "Hey guess what my dad bought me yesterday..... A KOALA!" That would be absolutely amazing! I would have so much fun with that. I wish that my dad would've brought me home a koala when I was younger, or even now for that matter.

One day when I have my own house I'm gonna get that koala...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Good friends will last a lifetime.

Ten Years. A decade. That sounds like it was so long ago; it was so long ago. I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was almost ten years ago that I met Donald. He was an overweight 11 year old and I was a gullible 9-year-old girl. Donald's cousins lived across the street from my friend Samantha and he came out to play kickball with us one day. I remember he kept calling me "Maroon" because that was the color of my sweatshirt and he couldn't remember my name. Donald has always done stuff like that. Actually, he still does it to this day.

After not hanging out with Donald for about 2 years, I suddenly started to see him again when he got hired in the same place as me. I don't think he's changed a lot from when he was younger. He is still a complete clown and makes the same jokes that he did 7 years ago. If he doesn't remember someone'e name, he still makes up one. Donald and I hang out a regular basis and I love hanging out with a friend that I've known for so long.

Tonight we were talking about the "old times" and all the stuff we've gone through. We laughed about all the nicknames he had when he was a chubby little kid and then talked about when he dated my best friend. We talked about the days when we used ot play manhunt and every one of our friends could jump a fence like it was nothing. We even brought up his best friend Lou. Donald has some hilarious stories about him but we'll save that for another day. Now we have new nicknames for each other and we don't play manhunt anymore. Instead of jumping fences we drive cars. Lou still comes around sometimes but we also have a new group of friends. Donald and I have had so many memories and just continue to make new ones.

Sometimes I think it's kinda sad that we all grow up so fast. Everyone graduates, we move on, we move out. Soon we'll be out of college and living in the "real world." It's comforting to know that through all of this I can still hang on to some friends.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Go Vikings!

So tonight was the first big Farrell vs. Sea football game. All across Amboy Road there were commotions. High school kids could been found evrywhere either dressed in maroon or navy blue. They swarmed the streets and got in the way of almost every car. I sat in traffic outside of the school for at least ten minutes. Although it was extremely aggravating, I couldn't help but wonder who won the game.

I watched the kids run through the traffic like idiots and remembered sitting at those games dressed in a navy blue tee-shirt only a year ago. My friends and I would sit in the stands and watch the game although we didn't understand too much of it. To me it was more of a social gathering and school spirit thing than an enjoyable sport. To some extent, I wish I was back at Sea spending my Friday night with friends watching and "exciting" football game.

You could easily pick out the little freshmen from the older kids. Number one, half of them were only about five feet tall. They were also the kids who were darting in between cars the most. The older kids could be seen gathering together with their friends- most likely trying to find a party that was going on after the game. Hoepfully, the younger ones will soon understand why these games can be so much fun and will get involved with the school, while the older ones may already realize it.

When I went to Sea, I was not a huge fan of the football team, but i still hope they won tonight. It was always fun to go to the games to watch the team do well- even if i didn't understand the game. Plus, it's always nice to go to a school with a dominating sports program. I guess school spirit never fades.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

"The customer is NOT always right."

I work in the customer service department at Stop & Shop. Basically, it is my job to solve everyone's problems, and I have news to all the shoppers around the world- THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. Yes, this may come as a shock to many of you but I speak the truth.

This is mostly in regards to those select people who will try to scam the system- and you all know who you are! If you're not one of these people, I'm sure you've seen them; there's always a token scam artist at any store. It's that person who comes in every week and causes a scene over fifty cents. The person who will curse out any innocent person who gets in their way. These people will go to any length to win their argument. They will scream at the managers (or anyone who seems to have some type of authority for that matter) until they get what they want, which 90% of the time, they will get. Now why do these people always win? Because apparently, "the customer is always right."

There's also the people who break store rules and regulations and still will get their way. It honestly amazes me. Congratulations on learning the amazing feat of calling the Corportae Office which is all about customer satisfaction! I have been working in a supermarket for two years and have seen it all. My personal favorite is when people return items they bought on sale and "lost their receipt." I'm sorry to say but when you come into the store every week with a different item to return and don't have the receipt because you "lost it" you're just a liar. That means you just bought it on sale and want the full price back to make money. Then again, the scam artist is still a customer, therefore, you are correct my dear friend!

Another one of my favorite situations is the bratty kids. I once had a child throw a tube of mini M&M's at my face. The mother did not reprimand this child, or even speak to him about it for that matter. What did she do? SHE LAUGHED. Wow, good parenting skills, lady. Have you ever gone into a store to see some little kid screaming and rolling on the floor to get what they want? At first the parent just ignores the little brat hoping that he or she will just miracuously be quiet. Eventually, the parent cannot deal with it anymore and gives in to buy whatever the kid wants whether it be candy, a new toy, or anyting else in between. Then people wonder why their kids are spoiled and weigh 150 pounds at the age of three. Hmm, that's quite a mind baffler. But once again, who am I to say, I'm just an employee.

I am sick of employees having to take this from people everyday. We are not here to be your slaves and pick up after you. We are not here to be screamed at because you are in a bad mood or we sold out of your cigarette brand; other people smoke too, you are not the sole cigarette-smoking moron in this world. If you are legitimately correct and are not being treated justly then go ahead, drive us all nuts! Maybe one day we can go back to the old way of "service with a smile" instead of just doing our job and getting the customer out of our hair. However, I don't see this happeneing any time soon.

This is what society has turned into and what our future holds. I feel bad for all of us.